Blue -->
Red -->
(1) Opinion
Westerners: Talk to the point
Asians: Talk around the circle, especially if opinions are different
(2) Way of Life
Westerners: individualism, think of himself or herself.
Asians: enjoy gathering with family and friends, solving their problems, and know each other's business.
(3) Punctuality
Westerners: on time.
Asians: in time.
(4) Contacts
Westerners: Contact to related person only
Asians: Contact everyone everywhere, business very successful.
(5) Anger
how that I am angry.
Asians: I am angry, but still smiling... (Beware!)
(6) Queue when Waiting
Westerners: Queuing in an orderly manner
Asians: Queuing?! What's that?
(7) Sundays on the Road
Westerners: Enjoy weekend relaxing peacefully.
Asians: Enjoy weekend in crowded places, like going to the mall.
(8) Party
Westerners: Only gather with their own group.
Asians: All focus on the one activity that is hosted by the CEO.
(9) In the restaurant
Westerners: Talk softly and gently in the restaurant.
Asians: Talk and laugh loudly like they own the restaurant.
(10) Travelling
Westerners: Love sightseeing and enjoy the scenery.
Asians: Taking picture is the most important; scenery is just for the background.
(11) Handling of Problems
Westerners: Take any steps to solve the problems.
Asians: Try to avoid conflicts, and if can, don't leave any trail.
(12) Three meals a day
Westerners: Good meal for once a day is sufficed.
Asians: At least 3 good meals a day.
(13) Transportation
Westerners: Before drove cars, now cycling for environmental protection.
Asians: Before no money and rode a bike, now got money and drive a car
(14) Elderly in day-to-day life
Westerners: When old, there is snoopy for companionship.
Asians: When old, guarantee will not be lonely, as long as willing to babysit grandkids.
(15) Moods and Weather
Westerners: The logic is
rain is pain.
Asians: More rain, more prosperity
(16) The Boss
Westerners: The boss is part of the team.
Asians: The boss is a fierce god.
(17) What's Trendy
Westerners: Eat healthy Asian cuisine.
Asians: Eat expensive Western cuisine.
(18) The Child
Westerners: The kid is going to be independent and make his/her own living.
Asians: Slog whole life for the kids, the centre of your life.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Westerners Vs Asians
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Any Video Converter 影片轉檔、切割、畫面翻轉編修工具
Free Video Converter是個操作簡單、速度也算快的影片檔轉檔軟體,主要功能就是讓我們將各種格式的影片檔轉成其他你要用的影片格式。在轉檔、輸出時,我們可以在輸出格式選單中依照影片檔、音樂檔、手機專用格式與光碟燒錄等分類,選擇你要用的格式。除了輸出成其他格式的影片之外,還可直接輸出成MP3、WAM、 agg等格式的音樂檔,或轉成一般手機用的MPEG-4檔案。可支援的影片格式有:
- 輸入格式:avi, asf, mov, rm, rmvb, flv, mkv, mpg, 3gp, m4v, vob, YouTube videos
- 輸出格式:avi, mp4, wmv, swf, flv, mkv, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, mpg (PAL or NTSC), asf, m2ts, mp3, wma, ogg, aac, wave, m4a
除了提供包括繁體中文在內的多國語言介面之外,Free Video Converter可支援批次轉檔功能,只要先選取好檔案、調整好轉檔設定,按一下即可自動處理到好。除此之外還可支援從Google Video或Youtube下載影片、直接轉檔功能。
而Any Video Converter也提供了一個相當簡單實用的影片裁剪功能,可以讓我們把影片中不要的片段剪掉,也可支援影片合併輸出功能,將多個影片檔合併成一個。另外還有畫面切割、亮度/對比/飽和度調整等功能,還可將影片上下翻轉、鏡像翻轉、左右旋轉90度或加入雜訊、影片銳化...等等特效,相當實用。
▇ 軟體小檔案 ▇ (錯誤、版本更新回報)
軟體名稱:Any Video Converter 軟體版本:3.1.0 軟體語言:繁體中文(內建20國語言介面) 軟體性質:免費軟體(另有功能更完整的Pro付費版) 檔案大小:22.1MB 系統支援:Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Win7 官方網站: 軟體下載:按這裡 使用方法:
第1步 開啟Any Video Converter軟體之後,直接按一下左上角的「添加視訊」按鈕,將你要轉檔、修改的影片檔拉到軟體視窗中。
第2步 接著從右上角的「輸出格式」選單點選影片輸出格式,再按一下「編碼」按鈕,即可開始轉檔。
第3步 另外Any Video Converter提供YouTube、Google Video與NicoVideo...等網站的影片下載功能,下載完可直接轉成你要用的格式。
第4步 選取影片後,可以在右邊的預覽視窗下方按「Clipping Video」或「Video Crop_Effect」等按鈕,執行影片裁剪、翻轉或套用視覺特效...等功能。
第5步 這是影片裁剪功能,我們可以自行設定啟動與終點,把你要的部份保留下來,其他的剪掉。
第6步 這是影片畫面裁切功能,可以只保留畫面中我們要的區域,使用方法很簡單,先設定「Crop Area Size」的尺寸,然後移動右邊預覽畫面中的方框,對準你要保留的部份即可,其他沒被框選住的部分則會被剪掉。
第7步 這是影片特效設定頁面,除了可以調整影片的亮度、對比與飽和度之外,還可將影片上下顛倒、鏡面翻轉或左右90度翻轉,還可加入雜訊特效、銳化特效..等等。
Exchange 2010: How to redirect non-SSL Outlook Web App traffic to SSL
With Outlook Web App being an outwardly facing service that relies on the use of your organization’s internal credentials, it’s important to make sure that miscreants don’t get access to your security jewels — individual usernames and passwords. Using SSL for this traffic protects your organization and your users.
In this Exchange 2010 tutorial, I focus on how to make sure that users who visit are automatically redirected to I will not be covering the SSL certificate provisioning and installation process.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Log into your Exchange 2010 server with a user account that has administrative rights on the server.
2. Go to Start | Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. This opens the IIS7 manager, which is used by Exchange’s Client Access Server role.
3. Once you’re in the IIS Manager tool, expand your computer link, choose Sites, and then select the Default Web Site option.
4. From the Features View, choose the HTTP Redirect option (Figure A).
Figure A
Choose the HTTP Redirect option
5. When you get to the HTTP Redirect page, do the following:
- Select the checkbox next to Redirect Requests To This Destination heading.
- In the box below, type in the full address - including HTTPS - for the site to which you’d like to redirect traffic. This would be the format:
- Make sure you also select the checkbox next to Only Redirect Requests To content In This Directory (Not Subdirectories). If you fail to do this, you’ll break some other functionality.
- In the Actions pane, click the Apply link to save your changes.
Your HTTP Redirect window should look like the screen in Figure B.
Figure B
The HTTP Redirect options page
This step alone, however, isn’t enough. In fact, let’s try it. Browse to You’ll get a message indicating that access is denied. The reason: SSL is currently required for the top level directory (Figure C).
Figure C
The SSL redirect isn’t working.
In order for the redirect to work, the top level directory needs to be accessible without using SSL. In other words, it needs to be accessible via HTTP. To make that happen, you need to disable the SSL requirement on that directory. Once you do, the top-level directory is fully accessible via HTTP and then IIS can properly intercept your HTTP request and redirect you to the page that you specified earlier.
Now, follow these steps:
1. Select the top level directory - probably called Default Web Site - and browse to SSL Settings (Figure D).
Figure D
Choose the SSL Settings option
2. Double-click SSL Settings.
3. Deselect the checkbox next to Require SSL (Figure E).
4. In the Actions pane, click the Apply link to save your changes.
Figure E
Disable SSL on the top level directory
For the remaining important subdirectories, make sure that the settings are as follows.
SSL | Redirect | |
aspnet_client | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
Autodiscover | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
ecp | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
EWS | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
OAB | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
PowerShell | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
Rpc | Enable SSL | Uncheck redirect |
You need to make sure that you run through each of the directory settings since some of the changes you made earlier will have propagated down through the folder structure. Figure F gives you a look at one of the settings you’ll need to change.
Figure F
Set SSL and Redirect settings on each of the folders listed above
Once you’re finished, test your new settings. As you can see in Figure G, success!
Figure G
The HTTPS redirect is working now.
Now, users can just remember, and you can do the heavy lifting behind the scenes to both protect them (SSL) and make their lives easier (automatic redirection).
HWM BlackBox 電腦硬體效能評比、檢測工具(繁體中文版)
HWM BlackBox是個電腦硬體資訊的檢測工具,跟之前介紹過的EVEREST、Speccy與HWiNFO32…等軟體相當類似。它可以幫我們列出電腦中的CPU、記憶體、顯示卡、主機板…等等主要硬體配備的廠牌、型號與運作效能,包括時脈、倍頻、電壓與目前溫度…等等資訊,以及各種專業玩家才會用到的詳細硬體運作數據..等等。
除此之外,HWM BlackBox還內建了一個效能評比工具,測試出來的效能評比數據還可上傳到Top10hardware網站上跟其他人比大小,包含CPU、記憶體、顯示卡、影片編碼效能、3D遊戲效能與硬碟讀寫效能…等等的綜合評分,讓我們透過更具體、更精確的數據來測試不同電腦規格、不同平台間的硬體效能好壞。
▇ 軟體小檔案 ▇ (錯誤、版本更新回報)
第1步 將HWM BlackBox程式下載回來之後,不用安裝直接執行「BlackBox21.exe」程式即可開始使用。「處理器」頁面會列出CPU相關資訊。
第2步 這是「記憶體」相關資訊的頁面。
第3步 這是顯示卡相關資訊的頁面。
第4步 這是主機板與光碟機、硬碟機及網路卡的相關資訊。
第5步 「效能」頁面提供了一個相當簡單、實用的硬體效能評比工具,按一下「效能評估分」按鈕即可開始測試。